gray day?

Where do you go when words aren’t enough?

Or aren’t coming to you?

Or just aren’t what’s needed?

It was gray here yesterday. I've been feeling kind of gray with my connection and communication, too.

But I still want to connect. Just not through words.

I have choices. You have choices. (Sometimes it can be hard to remember the availability of choices!)

While I'm in the midst of the gray, if I remember, my personal favorite go to's are:

  • being surrounded by nature that's larger than me
  • remembering I am a body by moving with some music and / or some breath

Yesterday I attempted practicing yoga but Ernest had other ideas. My back-up plan is turning on some music and dancing with him. So that's what we did.

And then I made something for you:

For you when your dog or kid or a project or partner or emotions want to play and you need to connect in a way beyond words.

For you when you're feeling gray.

Where do you go when words aren’t what's needed? Where do you go when you're feeling gray?

And yeah, funny how I'm writing about not having words. This was a struggle writing but then, after dancing with Ernest and after him sad-walking to the door because all he wanted to do was go outside, we went to the nearby forest. Then I typed most all of this on my phone while standing above a rushing creek with Ernest wandering nearby, rustling the ferns, crunching some branches underpaw... chirp chirp go some nearby birds.

As always with my creative offerings, send your responses to any of these questions directly to me or invite them to roll around in your mind and body. I imagine a new connection will arise any way you interact with these questions!

Til next time,


P.S. This is the fun tool I'm using to make these mesh gradient backgrounds. 😉