I'm in flux. Are you, too? (Are we ever not in flux...? This moment feels extra flux-y though...?)
To swim along with (rather than resist :0) the flux-y-ness, I give you a page from a book called The Pivot Year. I've been reading one page a night since I came upon the book in late January at a sweet shop in Olympia. I feel like I've been in The Pivot Years but I guess 365 days is a good container for a book.
I bring you the page:

Here is the text if the image isn't doing it for you:
If you do not know what to do next, it usually isn't because your next step is far out in the distance, but rather right in front of your feet. You are being asked to stop gazing outward and start looking inward. You are being called to rebuild yourself at this exact moment. If you do not know what to do next, it is not because you ened to seek more answers, but rather, accept the ones you've already been given. If you do not know what to do next, it's time to learn to be in the answered prayer that is this very day. It's time to learn how to use what you already have, and be as you really are. It's time to stop waiting for some future scenario to bring your dreams into light, but to dig them out from beneath your fear and begin. Truly begin.
- Brianna West, The Pivot Year
I'm here rocking, fluxing, dancing, crying, stretching my back, hunching over the laptop, and reminding myself to drink water right along with you.
Til next time,
P.S. Do you want to get more of a sense of what I was up to this week as a Creative Partner? Less flux-y, much more task-oriented. Here's the list I just wrote up. And here's the first "what I did this week" list, too.
P.P.S. The sky is my all-time favorite sky color right now. Nathan and I call it Sky Time color. I'm feeling grateful that I'm sitting at this coffee shop that has all windows along one side. Maybe you have a favorite sky color, too?